In the frame of the research project Move Your Story we worked on a new version of Memowalk for Android.
Here is an overview of the features of this mobile app that will be used for several projects in the next months. The whole app can be customized in order to fit to the needs of each individual customer:
– icon / logo
– splash screen and the overall design
– algorithm
– help / about
At this point, the publishing of the movie is not implemented yet, but it is possible to watch, rename and delete each walk/movie within the mobile app.
In order to use the application, the assets (audio & metadata) of a chosen Beam need to be downloaded. A download page has been created to allow modifications on the asset database without having to redeploy the application to users.
Downloading the assets at the first launch of the application is a deliberate choice. This allows users to use the application in foreign countries where usually people don’t have internet access through phone providers.
From the main screen the user can start “Moving his Story” and walk around the city listening to all the media/stories around him. A simple click on the “Démarrer” button will launch the algorithms that will provide the user the best fitted asset based on several parameters like Speed, Position, Behaviour and narrative coherence through thematics.
At all times, the user has the possibility to click on the “Carte” button that will provide a map displaying all the assets and their positions around him. This feature is very useful in order to know where the assets are positioned and improve the user experience.
The history page displays the list of walks recorded by the user. When the user stops to record, the walk is automatically stored and will be directly available in the history page.
A thumbnail of the video is displayed as well as several other information. To see the movie, the user can simply click one walk.
To complete the experience, following feature are provided additionally:
– help and about
– listen to the audio files on the map presenting the chosen assets of a recorded walk
– delete & re-download the assets to get a new version of the content
Another coming post will highlight the specific features we implemented in this application within the frame of the Move Your Story research project. So keep posted, innovative and surprising features will be unveiled…