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English content Memoways

Memoways on the way to rock…

On Monday 16th April, I will be on stage to Rock&Pitch Memoways at the RockTech Paris event.

I will present in few slides our new product, Kura Video Portal.

It will be a moment of truth: are all entrepreneurs (looking now at myself) rockstars ? It’s not directly what i’m dreaming of, even in my wildest dreams (to rock&pitch on stage), but we all have to play a game, isn’t it ?

So I will do my best to bring our product over to the audience, with swing and energy. But I promise: I will not sing !

More information here about this event:

We are one of the 8 finalists chosen by experts, among european video startups.
Here are the others:

Hope to see you there…!

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