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English content Memoways

Memowalk, spring update


Since our last post in december about our mobile application Memowalk, we worked on following features and enhancements:
– design: refactored the placement of the elements (more coherent with the experience) and the design of the assets on the map;
– beam selector: the application comes without bundled beams (for the moment); it is now possible to download any available beam;
– publish your walk: the recorded walks can be renamed and published on the Memoways Hub (in development).

This version will be in test mode for the coming weeks and we will bring out the V1 version for the App Store this summer.
Meanwhile, here are more details with some screenshots.

There is still things to do in the details, but the first goal is to make the user experience as smooth and coherent as possible.
We worked on the presentation of the database on the map, see the screenshot:


With the next iteration we will work further on the « bubble timeline », the dynamic presentation of the generation of the movie.


Beam selector.
This is a huge addition, enabling to directly test & use any beam with a three clic workflow from Tansa to the iOS application.
Index your content and make them directly available for mobile and interactive usages…


Walk publishing.
This is also a big important feature, enabling to name, publish and share any walk on the web.


Once the walk is published, it will be visible on the web and can be watched and shared. We are working on the visualisation of the walks + videos, there will be some changes with the previous version, using an original combination between the map and the video…

Meanwhile, here is a screenshot of the list of published walks:


Thanks to Nicolas Goy who spent a lot of time between this app and the server to make all this work together.

As an additional goodie, we made an interactive version of the Memowalk video:

Thanks to Sveva Wickel who worked on this version the last months.
