On the way of building up new adaptations of the Walking the Edit project, we did following additions to the WE application for iOS.
1) Semi-automatic build and installation process. From within the Memoways OS X Application it is now possible to export directly to a semi-automated build process, that merges into a specific application the assets and metadata of a project (adaptation), the localized information, the « about » and « info » files.
Once the build is done, it is automatically uploaded to a server from where it is possible to install the test versions on iOS devices. Those versions are only for internal testing purposes; once the content and the application is correctly working, we will take care of publishing the application on the appstore.
We plan building up a totally automated build and distribution process for this summer.

2) More information about the media in the playlist. If needed, more information are provided on each media asset that is in the playlist of a recorded path: Author, Creation Date, Tags

3) Watch your movie from each recorded walk. Directly from within the mobile application, it is now possible to watch the resulting movie without even having the need to publish it ! Important: this feature is only possible with an active Wifi connection to the net.
4) We added a feature that allows the user to choose his « use scenario » through a multiple choice or to let the application choose randomly out of a list of 2 to 4 available scenarios. Once the use scenario is set, it will frame the genre / kind of narration he will get. For each adaptation, it is another logic that can be set up.
In short: at the output of the Memoways application, it is now very simple to test how the content works on the end of the road (walking your movie). The workflow building up a specific adaptation has never been as easy !