Since the last post on the Memoways application (about the automatic update), a lot has been done.
Here are the new features of the current version (115, coming from 102).
1) Workspaces / Projects
This is one of the most important conceptual specificities of the Memoways application: the separation between the « objective » and « subjective » metadata of an asset.
In short: an uploaded content (asset) is shown in the workspace, where it is possible to add objective informations (the basic questions of who, where, when and technical informations).
Once this is done, the asset can then be dropped in a project, where it is possible to specify how this content should be used through so called subjective informations (the questions of what does this content tells us, how should it be used, to what kind of narration he belongs to).
to sum it up, it is a bit like adding files into your operating system (the finder), naming and organizing them in order to make something out of them through working on a project with an application.
2) Filtering
In order to work with large amount of assets, it is important to filter the content to be able to work only on specific things (like the latest assets added, the assets that are not filled out completely etc). We added 4 buttons to filter the material (recent assets – assets in a Project – Assets in a Workspace).
We will add down the road the possibility to filter on any field and metadata that is usable.
3) Lists and colors
In addition of being able to edit the fields of a list (use scenario, thematics, tags), it is possible to add color information on each element of a list. This can be also be used to create nice data visualizations (on mobile apps or on a web site).
4) Under the hood
Following issues where adressed and solved:
- deduplication of fields (lists)
- optimization of the database and queries (speed and synchronization)
More to come soon !