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Venture Night at Lift

I had the opportunity to present Memoways in the Venture Night pitching session at Lift. I had the chance to be coached by very good people (from Accenture & Netinfluence) and, above all, to be helped with magnificent drawings by Anna Cavelleri, who joined our team two weeks ago.

Here is the presentation – the short version (2 minutes):

The long and more detailled presentation (6 minutes):

Those few weeks working on a new way of communicating our project where intense and opened doors to a new horizon for our communication: it is not (only) about technology, but about what to do with it, and why you are doing it…

Some pictures from the presentation:

Alp ICT Venture Night
Alp ICT Venture Night
Alp ICT Venture Night

Here is the whole video of this evening; Memoways appears at minute 22 and at 1 hour and 7 minutes. Enjoy !

Thanks to Lift, to the coaches and to Anna Cavalleri !

And here is the reportage on the venture night preparation with the coaches and the venture night – from Nouvo:
